Elm Town

Elm Town 42 – It's Just Darth Vader

Episode Summary

Erkal Selman shares the story behind Kite, a web application for drawing and exploring directed graphs written entirely in Elm.

Episode Notes

Erkal Selman shares the story behind Kite, a web application for drawing and exploring directed graphs written entirely in Elm.

Thank you to our sponsors, Ellie, Culture Amp and Joel Clermont.

Special thanks to Xavier Ho (@Xavier_Ho) for editing and production of this episode!

Recording date: 25 January 2019


Show Notes

00:00:00 Introduction

00:01:34 Guest intro

00:04:59 Graph theory

00:07:08 Origins of Kite

00:10:13 Elm benefits

00:12:15 Inspirations

00:13:24 D3.js via JavaScript interop

00:18:42 Replacing D3.js with elm-visualisation

00:20:37 It's Darth Vader!!!

00:21:05 Ian MacKenzie's elm-geometry

00:23:17 Matthew Griffith's elm-ui

00:25:41 Performance bottlenecks

00:27:09 Importing Elm dependency graphs

00:29:44 Multiple centers of gravity

00:30:54 Planned features, welcomed contributions

00:34:20 Erkal wants a job!

00:35:03 Outro and the Sublime Text Editor Integration